Studio Solaris Photography

Great Moments, Great People
Posts Tagged ‘Humber Arboretum’

Richelle and Noel Wedding Day, Embassy Grand, Vaughan, ON

We knew Richelle and Noel’s wedding would be a meticulously planned day from the first meeting we had with them as prospective clients. Noel was very particular about what he wanted, a perfect day for Richelle,  their families and friends to celebrate their union. With their fall engagement done last year everything started to take shape nicely and Sandra and I begun looking forward to this event. The day went without a hitch with Swiss clockwork precision despite the hot and humid, bright July weather which made the after ceremony formals outside the church and Humber Arboretum photo session a bit of a challenge especially for the boys who insisted on keeping their jackets on along with their smiles.

Down at the Embassy Grand venue the reception spotted impeccably set gorgeous decor, a relaxed atmosphere and friendly staff to go along with a tasty cocktail menu and , among other liquid things, ice-cold non alcoholic mango cocktail, a welcome way to quench the thirst after our session outside.

Another thing worth noting: Sandra and I were impressed by the number of guests which knew well ALL the steps to ALL the music the band played from waltzes to country line dancing. Awesome stuff.

The following is a snippet of this day. Enjoy!


Wedding Photography at Humber Arboretum, Toronto, ON
